Tim Gunn's Guide to Style recently debuted on Bravo. I was eagerly anticipating the start of this show as I love Tim on Project Runway. He is a great mentor to the designers on PR and has an incredible eye for fashion. On the new show, Tim and model Veronica Webb take a style-challenged woman under their wing each week. They teach her about personal style and proper fitting clothes. Then, they arm her with a list of the Ten Wardrobe Essentials: the little black dress, the classic white shirt, a great blazer, classic trench coat, the day dress, the sweat suit alternative, a good pair of jeans, a skirt, classic dress pants, and a cashmere sweater and go shopping with her. It's a great list, but I feel like it is common knowledge for most people.
I'm sad to report that I have found the show uninspiring until now. There wasn't anything particularly original about it and as much as I love Tim Gunn, I feel like Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear are much more entertaining to watch. I've watched the first two episodes of Tim's show and will probably give it one more chance next Thursday night. If nothing else, it is pretty funny when Tim lets out his visceral "Gaahhh!" upon seeing the participant's horrific clothes. Please don't disappoint, Tim. Make it work!