It's no secret that money cannot buy good taste. Just open up your copy of Us Weekly or tune in to MTV's Cribs. I like to check out Houston real estate and do so quite often. I usually check out houses in the city's most exclusive neighborhoods. They give me design inspiration and something to aspire to. Plus, I like looking at pretty things.
So, today I was checking out HAR, where I do most of my real estate e-stalking and came across some seriously hideous homes. They range in price from $1.2 million to $2.85 million and are located in the tony Piney Point and River Oaks neighborhoods and serve as prime examples that money does not buy good taste. Now, I know that some would argue that good taste is completely relative, which is fine. However, I like a much cleaner aesthetic and normally adhere to the theory that elegance and simplicity go hand in hand. Consider yourself warned. The following images are not pretty.
I wonder if the owners thought: "There just isn't enough going on in this room. Something is missing. I know, how about green ambiance lighting!". Nothing says romance like fearing that an alien abduction is about to take place in your bedroom. Damn aliens! They'd better not get anything on the zebra skin rug!