Sunday, December 9, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

We started decorating for the holidays a couple of weeks ago, but we had a terrible time picking out a Christmas tree. We spent all of last Sunday looking for a tree and we came home empty-handed. I think I may be a little picky. Anyhow, I had surgery on Friday morning and I asked my husband to just go get one that afternoon and bring it home. I wanted no part in picking it out as it had already been stressful enough. Well, lo and behold, he brought home a gorgeous Noble Fir and now the house smells amazing. We decorated it yesterday and now, it officially feels like Christmas.

Ready for its close-up

Our fireplace

Close-up of the garland I made

A close-up of my fun Christmas stockings. They are dupioni silk with feather trim and jingle bells on the toes.

The exterior of our home- I have since added a wreath to the door.