I previously mentioned the fantastic job Kylie had done when she featured the interiors from Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle on her lovely blog, Bandelle. Well, she's done it again, only this time, she does a double take on Carrie Bradshaw's apartment in the upcoming Sex and the City movie. She poses a very important question (at least in my world): Will Carrie return to her bachelorette apartment? I wondered the same considering all of the Big drama in the movie trailer. I also remember seeing an interview after the series ended in 2004 in which Sarah Jessica Parker explained that all of the sets had been taken down and destroyed. This makes me wonder how closely the new apartments will resemble the original ones. Perhaps they've moved. After all, Miranda's in Brooklyn now! I guess we'll have to wait two more months until we find out. In the mean time, check out Kylie's fabulous post which has also been featured on Design for Mankind.
Image from Bandelle