Courtney, of Inside the Loop tagged me earlier this week and I am embarassed to admit that I just realized it today! Oh well, better late than never, right? So, I present to you, everything you ever wanted to know about me but were too afraid to ask (Woody Allen, anyone?)from A to Z.
A - Attached or single? Married to my wonderful hubby, Fabian.
B - Best friend? Fabian, for sure. I am closer to him than anyone else. We're constantly making each other laugh and have so many things in common. Leah, Meredith, and Jennifer are my closest girlfriends. Like Courtney, I also subscribe to the theory that having a few close friends is better than having a ton of false friends or acquaintances.
C - Cake or pie? Both! I don't discriminate. I love chocolate cake and apple pie.
D - Day of choice? Saturday because I usually get to escape the suburbs and go into town!
E - Essential item? My many, many magazine subscriptions. I'm addicted, I tell you! Oh, and the internet. I'm addicted to that, too.
F - Favorite color? I don't really have one, but I love black, grey, Kelly green, turquoise, and red.
G - Gummy bears or worms? Bears
H - Hometown? Houston
I - Favorite indulgence? Vacations. I love to travel more than anything in the world.
J - January or July? I'm not a fan of cold weather, so definitely July. We will celebrate our third wedding anniversary on July 1st!
K - Kids? None yet. Just my 130 students.
L - Life isn't complete without? great food and lots of laughter---> I agree with Courtney's answer. One cannot laugh often enough. As far as great food goes, Fabian and I were just talking about how some people live to eat and others eat to live. You know, there are people, like a colleague of mine, who eat frozen meals everyday, stab their fork into said crap, look at it in disgust and eat it anyway. Then, there are those who love good food...cooking it, eating it, trying new things. We definitely live to eat. And family, it is so important.
M - Marriage date? July 1, 2005
N - Number of brothers and sisters? 1 younger sister
O - Oranges or apples? I like both, but I have a gala apple with my lunch pretty much every day.
P - Phobia and fears? Fire, I'm really afraid of getting burned. I'm also a MAJOR germophobe.
Q - Quote? There are so many! I find them so inspiring. Check out my many "This Week's Quote" posts for specific examples.
R - Reason to smile? Reminiscing about certain memories, babies, my husband, travel, compliments, etc.
S - Season of choice? Summer and Fall, especially the fall. I love the weather we have here in Houston from September to November.
T - Tag three people: Mrs.PlainJane, Scented Glossy Magazines, and Caitlin of Dan and Caitlin
U - Unknown fact about me? Oh man, I don't know. I've studied four languages (I feel like most people know this about me, though.) I'm planning a big change beginning this summer, though I can't fully disclose what it is yet.
V - Vegetable? Zucchini, Squash, Potatoes, Spinach, Asparagus
W - Worst habit? I'm a control freak.
X - X-ray or ultrasound? I've only ever had x-rays at the dentist because I've been fortunate enough to have never broken a bone. I did have an ultrasound last fall before my surgery.
Y - Your favorite food? So many things my mom makes, seafood, roast chicken, basil, tomato, and mozzarella panini, a good croissant, french pastries, I could go on and on!
Z - Zodiac sign? Scorpio