I stumbled upon Veer yesterday for the first time ever. How did I not know about this? Anyhow, my heart was sent aflutter upon seeing Alejandro Paul's "Feel" font (above and below). It was so pretty and feminine, so me if I were lucky enough to have handwriting that beautiful. I went on to look at the rest of Alejandro's work and I was instantly smitten. I can't tell you how many times I went back to look at his portfolio. So many gorgeous fonts, so much personality! Alejandro's brief biography on Veer says "Alejandro is passionate about typography. While technically masterful, he focuses on the art behind the form – on capturing the essence of an era or style. He’s won several awards for his designs and is co-founder of the Sudtipos project, the first Argentinean type foundry collective. Alejandro teaches graphic design and typography at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Alejandro’s work is available exclusively at Veer."
When describing the time it took to develop the "Feel" font, Alejandro had this to say:
"By now you probably know that for the past three years or so, I've been courting early 20th-century American calligraphy like a dazed lover, an utterly taken disciple. She takes my imagination places I've never been. She makes my brain pump endless streams of serotonin. In her presence, my eyes glaze over and my shoulder blades turn to wings. She's been to me the mistress about whom no wife can ever complain." The man should consider being a writer. He has a beautiful way with words.
I'm seriously in love with his work. Is that not ridiculous? I am in love with fonts. Any ideas on how to convince my husband that we should buy the $5,999 Umbrella Font Collection which includes all of Alejandro's beautiful work?
Most of Alejandro's fonts have an enormous amount of personality and really seem to embody specific eras. I can honestly imagine the type of person who would have written in each style. Here are a few of my favorites:

"Feel": Girly and charming with a retro feel, think Rita Hayworth or Doris Day

"Sudestada": I picture this as the handwriting of a lovelorn woman several centuries ago.
"Burgues": Regal and elegant, perfect for a beautiful wedding invitation
"Fajardose"- The perfect fairy tale font
Milonguita - To me, this would be the handwriting of a beautiful poet in 1960's San Francisco
"Ministry Script": Think glamorous 1940's secretary addressing invitations to her company's big, New York gala
"Miss Lankfort" - I imagine Miss Lankfort in a Jackie O suit complete with pillbox hat. She is prim and proper, but gets a little carried away at times. I can't decide what I like more, the font or what the letter says.