Last night, I had the pleasure of dining with my favorite Houston bloggers, Joni (Cote de Texas), Courtney (Inside the Loop), and Carolina (Carolina Eclectic) as well as Houstonian at heart, Ronda (All the Best) who currently resides in Scotland. We had delicious Mexican food at Armando's in the heart of the River Oaks / Upper Kirby district. Seeing as how I live way out in the 'burbs, I always try to leave the house at a strategic hour in order to be on time. I arrived about twenty minutes early since traffic wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, so I drove around Avalon Place, admiring the beautiful historic homes before going to the restaurant.
I always have such a fun time when I get together with the Houston girls and really enjoyed meeting Ronda. It's fun to hear everyone's perspectives on things and to have so many different personalities together. Joni, a quintessential straight-shooter, is always a riot! Courtney has to be one of the friendliest and most stylish people I know. Carolina is my partner in soft-spoken crime. We both tend to take it all in, though we can definitely hold a conversation. She is such a genuine person. Ronda, is a very interesting woman, a real go-getter. Her drive is truly inspiring.
I've dubbed us "The Mutual Admiration Society, though the girls won't know that until they see this post. I personally admire each of them for different reasons. They are each incredibly talented, generous, and kind. I don't flatter myself to think that they would have any reason to admire me. In fact, I sometimes feel a little out of my league around them! Either way, I think it's wonderful to be able to get together and dish about our lives and our blogs and look forward to doing it again soon.