The lovely Kylie, of Bandelle has tagged me. If you aren't familiar with her blog, you simply must read it soon! She is a fantastic jewelry designer and writes the most creative posts.
What I was doing 10 years ago:
I was just finishing my sophomore year of high school. I probably went to The Galleria and to the beach every weekend with my friend, Leah. I was boy crazy, but not in a sleazy way like so many girls. I was a total romantic and would be so into people, though it was seldom reciprocated. I still don't know why that was. I was probably like the girl version of Dawson from Dawson's creek. Mature, overly-analytical, melancholy, and borderline obsessive. Not in Fatal Attraction kind of way, but more of an "OMG! My life can't go on without him" kind of way. Wow, I think I've said too much. LOL!
Five things on my to-do list today:
Grade my students' final exams
File a bunch of papers
Pack up my classroom
Go to a farewell happy hour after work
Pick up husband's medicine
Snacks I enjoy:
I love ice cream, dried fruit, and anything sweet
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
There are so many things that I would do. First, I would buy first class tickets for my husband and I to travel the world. I would give a generous amount to our parents. I'm not sure if we would stay in Houston, but if we did, I'd buy a gorgeous house inside the loop somewhere. Maybe on North Boulevard or Sunset Boulevard. If we did not move away, I would definitely buy an apartment in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, a house in California, a place in Paris, and another house in San Miguel. I would also donate my time and money to charities benefiting children all over the world.
Places I have lived:
I hate this question because my answer is so lame. I am a Houston girl, born and raised. I've been here my entire life.
People I want to know more about:
I know a ton of you have been tagged lately, so please don't feel obligated to play along if you don't want to.
Caitlin of Dan and Caitlin
Erin of Elements of Style
Katie of HighLifeStyle
Courtney of In(side) the Loop
Paige of I *Heart* You