I'm staying in and enjoying a lazy Sunday at home today after a very fun and eventful Saturday. After having lunch with Kylie yesterday, I drove back out to suburbia. After a while, Fabian and I headed back into town to run a few errands. He mentioned that he wanted to go back to Kuhl-Linscomb. By then, it was almost 5:30, so we didn't have much time to look around as they close at 6:00. Kuhl-Linscomb is one of my favorite stores. It is comprised of five buildings and carries home furnishings as well as jewelry, stationery, beauty products, books, and other gifts. Inside of Showroom #1
Like a moth to a flame, Fabian's attention was drawn to these mercury glass pendants.
After Kuhl-Linscomb, we drove around looking at houses for a little while and then met up with our friend, Leah for dinner at Shade in The Heights. Leah and I have been friennds since we met in our sophomore English class back in high school over 10 years ago. Unfortunately, it had been months since I'd seen Leah until this past week. She is a hair and make-up artist and owns her own company, which keeps her super busy. Well, that and her husband of five years, Shawn and two adorable children, Kaid, who is 4 and Lilli, who just turned 1 in May keep her pretty busy, too. Luckily, we were able to hang out three times this week. Anyway, after dinner, Leah had to go home and pack for her 7:00 am flight this morning, so we parted ways.
Leah and Me at our friend Meredith's wedding in November of 2006 ~ People always ask if we're sisters or twins.
As Fabian and I were driving on the highway, we heard an announcement on the radio about the Annual Gay Pride Parade that was being held in the Montrose area. Not quite ready to go home, we decided to check it out. We wove up and down the neighborhood streets for close to thirty minutes before we found a place to park off of Dunlavy. We made our way up to Westheimer as we took in the parade in front of Brasil's Café. Needless to say, it was a blast! We had so much fun and were really proud that so many people came out (no pun intended) for the parade.
It is so important for people to believe in and foster tolerance, equality, and compassion in their lives. These are definitely things that I tried to instill in my students. There were times when I would think to myself that if my students only took away one thing from my classes, it would be to treat everyone with kindness and respect no matter how similar or different they are from you.
Tons of people lined Westheimer on both sides for a couple of miles. Some of the floats were hilarious, though a little too racy to post on La Dolce Vita.
Me with all of my beads... Several guys asked Fabian to flash for beads! LOL! Happy Pride!