I love the Pieces of Flair application on Facebook, maybe even a little too much. This is why I shouldn't let myself get bored in the summers. I end up spending way too much time on mundane, yet highly addictive things like Flair. I could honestly spend hours browsing through the flair catalog or creating my own. I'm not the first person to blog about this, so I know I'm not alone in my addiction. My only concern is what will happen when I run out of room. Do they make larger bulletin boards? I mean, let's face it, this addiction will be hard to break and my board is nearly full!
Here are a few of my Flair creations:

The La Dolce Vita header (search for "La Dolce Vita" in the catalog)

I also made a David Jimenez button since the flair for interiors is kind of lacking. (Search "David Jimenez")

I thought this adorable illustration from Une Fille Comme Moi was too cute not to share. (Search "Une Fille Comme Moi")