Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank you, Better Homes & Gardens!

I started this blog a little over two years ago as a summer project to keep me busy while on a break from teaching. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that my humble little blog would have come this far. I started off blogging about random things that had happened to me and featured a few personal essays. Eventually, my focus and my voice became much more clear and La Dolce Vita became a true lifestyle blog with its main emphasis on interior design and travel. These topics just happened to be some of the things I loved most, which is what makes me want to continue to do this each and every day.

Along the way, my readership has grown and I am so thankful for those of you who carve out a little space for me in your lives each day. It means so much to have your support and to read your feedback. I have also had the good fortune of meeting and befriending several fellow bloggers. This outlet feeds my soul so much and it has truly enriched my life. While I never expected any of these things to happen when I first started writing this blog, I knew that they were possible. On the other hand, I never dreamed that more than a handful of people would read La Dolce Vita, and I certainly didn't think the media would ever take notice, but by some miraculous turn of events, they have.

My little blog and I are mentioned in the September issue of Better Homes and Gardens, a magazine that I have read since childhood. It is such an honor to be mentioned in such a respected publication. I was flabbergasted when they first contacted me about doing the feature and I couldn't believe my lucky stars. Today, while waiting to check out at the grocery store, I spotted the magazine and couldn't help but buy a copy even though I have a subscription. It felt a little surreal to be standing there with my cart full of groceries while looking at my face on a glossy page in a national magazine.

Thank you so very much to my loyal readers and to Ms. Gayle Butler, Editor-in-Chief at Better Homes and Gardens. This means so much!