I am so thrilled to share this installment of Personal Style, Defined with you. Marianne, of Haven and Home is a very talented designer with a great eye and a huge heart that comes through in her work. She's a total sweetheart and is super stylish to boot. I love that she considers her style "Edited Eclectic" as I can totally relate. Enjoy!
First I would like to thank Paloma for asking me to be part of this series. To be involved in a series that has included such wonderful bloggers is beyond flattering. La Dolce Vita is one of the first blogs I started reading and I am thrilled to be a part of it.
Okay, now to matter at hand, defining my personal style. I am a Decorator, this should be easy right? Well, just like several people before me have mentioned, it is almost impossible because I love certain elements about all styles across the board. I guess I would define it as Edited Eclectic. I like when rooms have many layers but are thoughtfully put together.

Two things I know are part of my personal style for sure are the color Grey and soothing neutral rooms with raw materials and beautiful fabrics. There are definitely strong Belgium and Swedish influences in my style. Barbara Westbrook and Kay Douglass could come design my house any day.

There are days where I dream of having an all white house-clean, crisp, light and airy (although I think this comes from looking at color all day)...

I love feminine rooms...

I digress. When looking through pictures for this post I saw so many genres that I loved that really Eclectic is the best word I came up with to define me. Edited Eclectic embodies my preference for spaces to be casual and inviting but also look like thought went into them without being "done".
1. House Beautiful 2.House Beautiful 3.House Beautiful 4.Southern Accents/Heather Smith 5.Domino 6.????Help I can't place this room 7.Domino via Flickr 8.House Beautiful via A Life's Design 9.House Beautiful 10. I Suwannee 11.Harmony and Home 12.Michael Smith (I believe) 13.Cottage Living 14. Max and Company 15.House Beautiful 16.Sara Story 17.Schumacher 18. Lee Jofa 19. Wisteria 20. Veranda?