Friday, January 15, 2010

Please Vote for Pencils of Promise!

POP new logo[1]
Last month, I started the Pencils of Promise Blogger Initiative along with several other bloggers in which we introduced you to this wonderful organization that helps educate the most underserved children in the world. Today, we are asking for your vote for the opportunity to win $1 million from Chase Community Giving.
Please join me in supporting the Pencils of Promise One Million for One Million Campaign. PoP has an opportunity to win $1 million in Chase Community Giving on Facebook! InNovember 2009, Chase Community Giving allowed Facebook’s 350 million users to chose from over 500,000 of their favorite small and local charities and vote for them to win Round
One of the competition. Through the support of PoP’s core team, loyal supporters and a massive blogging collective, PoP ranked in the Top 100 Charities and won $25K through Facebook. Thanks to the efforts in Round One, PoP now has a chance to will $1M in Round Two of the competition.

In order to win, PoP needs YOUR HELP. Please join me in
supporting the Pencils of Promise movement. During the Round Two voting period (January 15th-22nd) and in line with the organization’s
mission, PoP will allow each of its voters to decide on the next country of impact with Round Two grant funds. In the effort Founder Adam Braun is calling “true democratic social giving”, PoP supporters will vote on the organization’s Facebook Chase Community Giving page and then be prompted to a microsite to vote for the next country of impact. They will
also be provided with materials to self-organize and refer others to the site.

Please vote for PoP at Chase Community Giving by clicking here.

Then, get more involved and vote for the next country of impact. After casting your Chase vote, visit and register your Chase vote with your name, my Referrer username (Paloma Contreras) and network (La Dolce Vita Blog), and your desired next country of impact!

For more information on Pencils of Promise please visit their website: