In the past year, Odi et Amo has quickly become a daily read and one of my favorite blogs. It is written by my fellow Houstonian, Averill, an attorney with a killer sense of style. She has a very keen eye for design and frequently shares her inspiration and personal projects with her readers. Something tells me Averill’s list will be sensible with a flair for fabulous details!
"Wind Mill" by Hannah Marie Photo
1. Electricity. At the risk of taking this assignment a bit too literally, I had to include electricity in this list. Besides, as in-house counsel for a major power company, it's also what pays my bills.
2. Olivia, my two-year old miniature dachshund.
3. Cute flats. I've never been particularly good at walking in heels, but fortunately there are a ton of adorable flats available now for when I need to be on my feet all day or when I don't need to be 6'4" (I'm six feet in flat feet). Right now, I'm lusting after this adorable striped pair from Pretty Ballerinas.
4. London. Samuel Johnson said that "when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life" and I can't help but agree. Dave and I are planning another trip to London this coming May and I can't wait.
5. Bold, geometric patterns. From trellis prints to zig zags, from David Hicks to Tory Burch, I adore bold, geometric patterns on everything from draperies and pillows to tunics and scarves.
6. Books. And comfortable chair in which to read them. Right now I'm reading The Girl Who Played with Fire, the follow-up to Stieg Larsson's bestselling The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and it's been tough to put down.
7. Bubble baths. Another of my favorite spots for reading and relaxing. Nothing beats a bubble bath after a hard day (or a hard day's night). My all-time favorite bath product is Fresh's Sake Bath. It's like bliss in a bottle.
8. Color. Those of you who read my blog are well aware of my ongoing love affair with bold, rich colors, especially on walls. I love how a simple coat of paint can elevate an entire room into the extraordinary. My own home currently boasts a navy dining room, aubergine study and a deep teal "man room" and I'm still on the look out for how I can bring even more color into the house!
Sandy Cay French Blue from iomoi ($68/set of 20)
9. Personal stationery. Maybe it's because I'm Southern, but I do love me some monograms. Personal stationery is one of those little luxuries I wouldn't want to do without (and it also makes a wonderful gift!). Right now, my favorite sources are iomoi and Dabney Lee at Home.
10. Chinoiserie. My very stylish grandmother was a huge fan of Chinese art and antiques and she passed her love of Chinoiserie on to me. Just about every room in my house has some Chinoiserie touches and I love the sense of history and the sophistication that they give to my new home and otherwise fairly contemporary style.