Alison Giese writes the lovely blog, My Little Happy Place, in which she recounts her adventures in everything from decorating, to living abroad, to being a mother to her sweet little girls. Alison and her husband are native Houstonians who moved to Brazil two years ago. While adjusting to life as an ex-pat, Alison discovered design blogs which sparked both a new passion and career for her. The rest as they say, ladies and gents, is history!
10. Burt's Bees Lip Balm - If I were stranded on an island, and could have only one cosmetic product, it'd be nearly impossible to chose between my Burt's Bees, and the undoubtedly necessary sunscreen. I have about four spare tubes of this stuff on hand at any given time. Let's just say, for me, it's the Bee's Knees! ;)

9. My Camera - I have so much to learn about taking amazing photos, but lucky for me, my fab camera does a lot of the dirty work.

8. Design Inspiration: Blogs, Magazines, flickr, etc - I sometimes wonder what I did before I knew about design blogs. It was such an exciting moment for me, the first time I read post after great post from that first blog. It's not just about beautiful images and inspiring projects - it's about connecting with people over a shared passion. Viva la blogs!

7. Fresh Fruit - I am seriously addicted to the wonderful variety of fresh fruit down here in Brazil. It's a way of life for us, and I love it!
6. Self-Deprecating Humor - The ability to laugh at yourself, not take yourself, and your flaws too seriously is as much a survival tool as a Swiss army knife, in my book!

5. Classic Rock - What can I say? I'm a child of the 70s. I grew up with what my husband calls "Hippie Rock": Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, America, James Taylor and Jimmy Buffett. This is still the music I turn to when I need a mood lift.

4. College Football - This time of the year is extra special - the eve of football season. I'm a University of Texas alum, and nothing connotes the beginning of Fall for me like the first game of the year. Hook 'm Horns!

3. Good Coffee - There's not much better than a great cup of coffee. It doesn't necessarily need to have an exotic pedigree (I've had some of the best cups at old school diners). When it's good, it's divine, when it's bad, I'm sad!

2. Expanding my world - Since we've been married, Ben and I have seen afar places like Malta, Italy and France to gorgeous places close to home. Now that we live in Brazil, and constantly meet people from all over the world, my wanderlust has grown. I hope I never lose the desire to expand my world, and that of our children.
1. The Smiles in my Home - It really goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. These three beings are truly THE thing my world could not be without.