Monday, January 3, 2011

This Week’s Quote: Three Mantras for the New Year

If you’ve followed my blog for at least a little while now, then you’ve probably noticed that I start each week with an inspiring quote. Personally, I know that I can always use a little extra inspiration and it seems that a lot of you feel the same way. There is something so extraordinary about identifying with the wisdom of others and using it as a driving force in one’s life. Quite often, the quote that I choose for each particular week is reflective of what is going on in my life at that moment. Since a new year is upon us, I wanted to set the tone for a fresh start with three of my favorite quotes of all time. They have inspired and motivated me so much, that I feel like they are perfect for kicking off a new year!

travel steven chee2arrupe

travel steven chee4

{Quote Image Source}

travel steven chee dustjacket attic

quote oprah

{Image Credit: Steven Chee Via}