Katie Armour is not only a fellow blogger (The Neo-Traditionalist), but a fellow digital magazine editor (Matchbook). She is probably best known for her love of a vintage sensibility with a preppy twist and that aesthetic is definitely reflected in her lovely dream home.
Hello! Katie Armour here from The Neo-Traditionalist. I am so honored to have been asked to share my dream home. While I've enjoyed my fair share of city living, my dream spot would include a bit of land. I'd love to have a big, unruly garden and sprawling lawn on which to chase my pugs about. This home belonging to Aerin Lauder makes me weak in the knees. I love the tall, handsome columns and the sense of history they evoke. When I was little, my grandfather had a 1960's black Mercedes convertible just like this one. I hope to invest in a similar vintage convertible of my own someday!
My dream Living Room would be one part Hamish Bowles and two parts Kate and Andy Spade. I love the whimsical, artistic touches in both spaces. They've used such timeless, classics yet with a bit of sarcasm that I just adore. Decorators shouldn't take themselves too seriously---after all, homes are meant to be lived in.
My husband and I never have enough room for our books. This black lacquered library (also Aerin Lauder's) is the epitome of chic. I think we'd spend many cozy evenings here reading.
All my dream bathrooms have fanciful wallpaper. I love these patterns in the homes of Kate Townsend and Lizzie Bailey. Lizzie took the idea from Albert Hadley---the man was, and still is, so ahead of his time.
I can't cook to save my life, but I still appreciate a good looking kitchen. My dream kitchen and breakfast nook belongs to Kate and Andy Spade. I can't get enough of the floor, window treatments, bold textiles, and taxidermy butterflies. Just because it's a kitchen doesn't mean it has to be boring.
I love to keep dining fun and casual. This tablescape by Kate Spade New York's current creative director, Deborah Lloyd, is positively scrumptious! Deborah is a lovely lady and this setting speaks volumes of her approachable, yet chic aesthetic.
My dream bedroom would be a variation of Rita Konig's complete with D. Porthault linens and a handsome plaid blanket. I'd probably have to go with Porthault's more masculine clovers to appease Mr. Armour. Oh and fresh ranunculus, always fresh blooms!
In my dream world I will have a settee full of pugs at the foot of my bed, just like the Duchess of Windsor.
Last but not least my dream backyard will be lush and bursting with hydrangea much like this scene of Susan Train's home in Paris. I someday hope to be half as chic! Thank you, Paloma!
Photos: 1, 5, & 12 from Vogue, 2 from The World of Interiors, 3, 4 & 8 from The Selby, 6, 7 & 9 from Lonny, 10 from T Magazine, 11 from The Windsor Style by Suzy Menkes.