You guys may know Bailey, of the blog Peppermint Bliss for her fabulous taste or for hilarious sense of humor. You may have even seen her beautiful Chicago home, aptly named, “Clifford, The Big Red House” in the newest issue of Rue. Regardless of how you know her, chances are, you probably love Bailey as much as I do. Her dream home is a mix of traditional, classic design and a few eccentricities, natch.
When it came time to do my dream home post I was at a loss. I have quite an array of diversified dreams and lifestyles I have designed a home in my mind for and choosing just one to declare unto the universe and internet world was daunting. But then I submitted to the unbelievably powerful nesting desire coursing through my preggo veins, and so here is my dream perfect family home.
First of all, it must be white.
And dripping with homey charm.
I love the formal layout of more traditional homes-
Where you walk in the front door and have a proper entry hall.
With a formal living room to one side...
Via Miles Redd
And a dining room to the other.
Via Sara Gilbane
But then in the back I would love a more open kitchen,
(Tory Burch's has always been a favorite, love those bright colors for les bebes.)
You know, business in the front...
Basically mine would be the mullet of dream homes.
via The Zhush
And I am completely ok with that.
I would also enjoy several bonus rooms.
Like a man study for The Man.
I would want our master bedroom to be many things.
Our bathroom would be white marbly bliss.
With a tub I could lounge 'till I'm pruney. And would be attached to my gold walk in closet.
I'd give Pete a closet too, I am very generous like that.
I would also need some rooms for the millions of adorable babies I plan to birth.
First for the petite lady nugget in my tummy right now.
And gentlemen babies as well.
I might even give the babies their own playroom, because, you know.
Bailey The Magnanimous.
Then i would like a charming vegetable garden to feed my brood.
A fire pit for pow wows.
And a magical pool oasis for Momma and her Margaritas.
It's good to have dreams. It's important. Oprah told me that when I speak my dreams, so they will be. So look for me, coming soon to the most charming house in a neighborhood near you. If your neighborhood has perfect weather year round because I am O-V-E-R this nonsense, Chicago. Done.
Thank you Paloma for giving me the opportunity to indulge my fantasies. Hope y'all liked it!