{Gwyneth Paltrow and her trainer, Tracy Anderson}
I need to work on my fitness. My crazy schedule as of late has sort of let working out fall by the wayside. Before I know it, the entire day has passed while I type away at the computer for La Dolce Vita, High Gloss, or one of my freelance writing gigs and my good intentions for exercising are blown for the day. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people who “needs” to exercise to get through the day, much like some people need coffee- I don’t need that either. I wish that I were disciplined on the exercising front or that I was addicted to something like running, but I am not. I am just a girl who isn’t exactly athletically gifted and who doesn’t particularly enjoy exercise other than pilates, mostly because I am laying down for the majority of the time.
I know that I need to get back on the wagon, but I need motivation. I’ve heard good things about Tracy Anderson’s DVDs, though some people say they’re REALLY hard and that scares me. So, I’d like to know how you make time for exercise. What is your fitness routine of choice? Do you stick to the same thing or do you mix it up? How often do you work out? How do you keep yourself motivated?
{Do you like working out solo like Cameron Diaz?}
{Are you partial to the buddy system like Lauren and Lo?}
{Are you a runner? This is not happening for me in this lifetime. I have a bad knee.}
{Does your work out come by the way of being a busy woman/mom like Jennifer Garner?}
Do tell- what is your fitness routine?