While I was dubious after the first episode, I've come to enjoy Million Dollar Decorators more and more each week. The designers, Kathryn Ireland, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Mary McDonald, Jeffrey Alan Marks, his partner Ross, and Nathan Turner are all quite talented and I find it very enjoyable to see their creative process as well as how they deal with some pretty difficult clients. However, I know some designers out there are less than thrilled with the way the design profession is portrayed on the show. My biggest gripe is that they don’t give the adorable Nathan Turner nearly enough screen time!
What is your take on the show? Do you watch it and enjoy the over-the-top antics or do you prefer to change the channel? If money were no object, would you hire any of the designers featured on Million Dollar Decorators to design your home? Who would you most want to chat up at a cocktail party?