I have been thinking about what I am thankful for this morning.
1. I am thankful for my husband, Fabian. He is truly my best friend. I cannot imagine living my life without him. He is my rock, my constant support, and the love of my life. He has accomplished so many great things recently and I couldn't be prouder. I'm so glad that we are able to build such a beautiful life together.
2. I am thankful for my wonderful family and their unconditional love. I am also quite fortunate because my parents and in-laws love each other and get along so well. This is especially nice during the holidays because we don't experience any seperation or drama.
3. I am so incredibly grateful for my true friends. I have recently discovered that some people can be very deceptive and aren't truly your friends. I know who my true friends are now. I know because they are the ones who have always been here for me and who truly understand what type of person I am. Thank you so much for the gift of your friendship.
4. I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. We have had a few blips this year which has made me realize that you really can't enjoy life if you are not in good health.
5. Lastly, I am thankful for my new interests. I have really gotten into cooking this year! It is so therapeutic and has given me something new to work on. I have loved starting my blog this year and love that it has opened up my eyes to interior design, another one of my new interests.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you all get to eat a lot of great food!