Carrie's apartment is a complete reflection of her personality- eclectic, stylish, scattered, and very New York. It is a small, one bedroom apartment. While it is stylish, it is evident that it plays second-fiddle to her love of clothes and shoes. Unlike the apartments of the other three SATC girls, Carrie's doesn't feel "done". Carrie wears her heart on her sleeve and her apartment follows suit. Everything is out in the open. Nothing is hidden away. Her magazines are meticulously archived in her entry way, but the rest of the apartment feels very lived-in. The majority of her furnishings look like flea-market finds, but her showpiece is most definitely her closet, painted in a beautiful blue-grey hue. It is the part of the apartment that she has given the most thought to and has spent the most on. After all, the girl did say she likes her money where she can see it...hanging in her closet.

Charlotte's Park Avenue apartment is classic, chic, and feminine just like her. It is filled with traditional furnishings and a subdued color palette composed mostly of beige, white, and pink. It is a huge space, especially by New York standards and that is evident in the apartment. Most of the rooms open into one another, so you are aware of the apartment's grand scale from any perspective in the space. Take the bed that Charlotte fought so hard for when she revamped the apartment from Bunny's former look of duck decoys and plaid. The bed is so huge, that special nightstands had to be built just to stand up to its size. Overall, the space has a very romantic feel, despite its history.

Miranda lived in a beautiful apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side before she and Steve moved their family to Brooklyn. It is obvious that she had help from a decorator, as she is always busy with work. Plus, we all remember the episode in season 2 in which her decorator gets engaged to the guy she wanted for herself. Who could forget those hideous frogs? Miranda's apartment isn't rough around the edges. As a matter of fact, it looks quite polished. However, it could be described as hard around the edges. Take the star burst mirror above the fireplace or her metal bed, for example. Like Miranda, they have cold, hard edges. Everyone knows that she tends to be blunt and is not one to mince her words. Yet those who know her, know that she has a big heart and a playful side. The multi-colored back splash in her kitchen seems to reflect that.

Samantha's apartment in the meatpacking district is totally her- sexy with an edge. The color palette is completely in tune with her personality. The bed is dressed in fire engine red, naturally. It's the color of passion, which Samantha has plenty of, yet her kitchen is a cool blue color. In my opinion, this is perfectly fitting because it reflects the fact that she has a very cool exterior and doesn't usually allow herself to get too involved with the men in her life. Of the four apartments, it is the space I like the least.

If I were to look at these spaces objectively and had no idea that they were from my favorite show, I would probably like Charlotte's or Miranda's the most, though I would make changes to both. Which space appeals to you the most? What part of your home reflects your personality the most?
All photos courtesy of HBO.