Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 To-Do List

Like many others, I haven't always been successful in keeping my New Year's Resolutions. There's just something about the word "resolution" that makes my goals seem more abstract, less tangible. It's as if you put them out there for the universe to hear and after a while they disappear into La La Land. A few days ago, I decided that I would take a different approach to my resolutions for the new year.

I am a list-maker. Every day at work, I make a to-do list for myself. I love knowing exactly what I expect to accomplish in the day and being able to cross things off my list sends my little heart aflutter. When I say that I make a to-do list everyday, I mean it. As a matter of fact, I make several each day. Once I've accomplished everything on the first Post-It note, I start a new list. Sometimes, my students ask me what's on"my list" or request that I put something on it for them. This, along with the fact that they constantly mock me for my overuse of hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes makes me think that I don't hide my O.C.D. tendencies very well. Whatever, back to the list! Anyhow, this year I am taking a more practical approach to accomplishing my goals. I have made a 2008 To-do list and posted it on the fridge. This way, I'll know that I am expected to do these things and will not be satisfied until I can cross them off my list.

Here is my list so far:

1. Exercise 3-4 times per week.

2. Order pictures to frame in our bedroom - Check!

3. Finish re-decorating our bedroom - So far we've painted and bought the linens. I have to wait for my lamps to come in (it may not be until February!) and I'm looking for a large venetian mirror.

4. Clean out and organize second guest room and transform it into a livable space- currently in the process of doing this

5. Re-decorate office

6. Take at least two trips!

7. Get my real estate license; try to find a summer internship in the business

8. Take a French refresher course

9. Start trying for a baby in the second half of the year.