So by now, most of you know about most of my guilty pleasures of the televised variety. Among Gossip Girl, Gordon Ramsay's BBC version of Kitchen Nightmares, and The Hills, is the veritable train wreck that is The Real Housewives of Orange County. I love the show for the drama, of course. There's Lauri and her moneybags husband du jour, George, Jeana, the highly successful realtor with a less than happy marriage, Vicky, who shrieks at every opportunity at a pitch so high that only dogs can truly decipher it, Tammy and her trashy daughters, Tamra, the self-proclaimed "Hottest Housewife in Orange County", and now Quinn and her 10 inches of cleavage.
Scented Glossy Magazines just did a hilarious post about the show. Check it out along with the rest of her fabulous blog.
P.S. Apparently, a New York version called Manhattan Moms is set to premiere on March 4th. They have been filming on the Upper East Side, in the Meatpacking District, and in The Hamptons. New York Post Article
Image courtesy of : Pretty on the Outside