1. my dear husband for being incredibly supportive, loving, and funny. He is my best friend and my favorite person on the planet.
2. my wonderful family
3. my fabulous friends- old and new, real and virtual. Thank you.
4. the courage to try something new even if it has been more difficult than I had imagined and in spite of the fact that it may not be completely right for me at this stage in my life.
5. the opportunity to travel a little bit this year. Experiencing new places, people, and things fills me with such joy.
6. our home and the desire to constantly do little things to improve it and make it ours.
7. the fire I feel that keeps me from being complacent and drives me to figure out what it is that I am meant to do.
8. the promise of change.
9. my health and the over all health of my family
10. this blog- my creative outlet, fountain of inspiration, source which has brought so many incredible people into my life and has really helped me to examine who I am and what I would like to do. Starting my blog is truly one of the best and most rewarding things I have ever done. I certainly didn't expect any of these things before I sat down to write my first post.
I would really love to know what you are thankful for this year if you are willing to share. Happy Thanksgiving!
Image via HouseMartin