I am just now reading Eat, Pray, Love, if you can believe it. The book sat on my nightstand for at least a year and a half, but I never felt the urge to read it. Maybe something greater than me was waiting until the right time for me to start the book. A time during which the book would speak to me quite loudly. As someone going through a bit of a quarter-life crisis, I am constantly trying to figure out what I want or what it is that I am meant to do.
Make no mistake, I am very blessed in my personal life. I have an incredible husband, who is both my best friend and the love of my life, a loving family, and friends whom I adore. The area where I seem to be having trouble is in my professional life. I just can't figure out what it is that I am meant to do. I tried teaching and felt unfulfilled and bogged down, and I have been doing the real estate thing for a little while now, but things are so slow that I feel like none of my efforts have paid off and the wind has just been taken out of my sails.
If it weren't for little things like bills, mortgages, and other adult responsibilities, I would take off, travel the world, write, live life, and figure things out while sipping a beautiful Rioja in a Spanish square or while taking in the view of the ocean from the hills of the Amalfi Coast. I feel like I am a walking contradiction at times, I want to start a family in the near future, but I want a successful career as well. It feels like so much to figure out. If anyone is looking to hire a girl who loves design, travel, food, writing, is fluent in Spanish, near-fluent in Italian, and somewhat conversant in French, let me know! I'm kidding. Well, mostly.