I feel completely awful today. My nose is stuffy, my head hurts, and my stomach is in knots. I guess today's blog posts will have to wait until tomorrow, so I hope you'll check back! I think I will be spending the rest of the day curled up with a cup of hot tea and The Memory Keeper's Daughter, which I just started reading. I also have an itch to watch a good chick flick so I may do that, too. I'm crossing my fingers that I will feel better by tomorrow!
In the meantime, check out a preview of what's to come when The Hills returns to Mtv. As staged as most of it probably is, I actually look forward to having it return after the complete fakeness and lack of drama on The City. What do you think? Do you plan to watch?
And P.S., if you are a member of Decorum, remember that the deadline for our first giveaway is this Saturday! A winner will be drawn on Sunday. You can get all the details here.