The gorgeous arrangement is for all of the readers of La Dolce Vita. Thank you so much for your support!
While the flowers are for everyone, remember that I will be giving away this gorgeous Crystal Block Lamp to one lucky member of Decorum Design Forum at the end of the month! The first 100 members with 10 or more posts will be entered into a drawing for the lamp. This is only the first of our fabulous monthly drawings. If you have already registered, thank you so much! If you haven't...what are you waiting for? Join the fun!
I have created Decorum as an extension of what we have built here in the blog world with the idea that it would be an easier way to interact with multiple people at one time. Decorum is intended to be a place where people with similar interests can share ideas, give and receive advice, and discuss issues related to interior design and living the good life. I wanted to take what has been built in the blogosphere one step further by facilitating interaction between bloggers and readers.

I am confident that Decorum will grow to be a thriving design community for all of us to enjoy. Though in order for it to get to that point, I need fabulous people like yourself to join and share your ideas and questions. I really hope you'll join and start posting!
Please, please, please help us to spread the word about Decorum! Send the link to your design-loving friends or post this little hyperlinked icon on your blog.Thank you so much for your help and support!