Jennifer Ortiz writes the inspiring blog, Bits of Beauty. She frequently shares beautiful images and reminders to seek out the beauty in the most ordinary things. From interior design to fashion, her lovely blog is filled with gorgeous images. I love the list she has put together for us and think you will enjoy it as well!
Over the past year, I've discovered there is plenty I can live without. I can live without cubicles or offices in general. I can live without shopping sprees and eating out all the time. I can live without a credit card. I can live without a boyfriend. I have no need for constantly updating {for the sake of novelty} the few gadgets I own. Goodness, I could go on and on. I've narrowed it down to the most important things in my life, half of which are not things that can be bought.

{hope, possibility, inspiration} Ok, so these are actually three things, but for me they go hand in hand. They each thrive off each other and simultaneously exist in my life. Without any of the three, the others would not be as meaningful to me. I'd dare say that I use the combination as a way to guide the direction of my life.

{Heels} I'm 5'2 and latina. Beyond that, I don't think this one needs much explanation.

{Dresses} I'm very girly, but I've also got serious lazy bum syndrome. Dresses are so easy to throw on and run out the door. When I was a little girl, I hated wearing jeans. I've gotten much better about it, but I still hate to feel constricted by any sort of pant. I'd rather just float around in a relaxed maxi or a prim, pretty full skirt. {It's also ridiculously hot where I live, which makes wearing a dress ideal.}

{Travel} I love to travel. It's a chance to explore, which is something I rarely ever turn down. Experiencing a different culture is always exciting to me, but one can learn a lot about the self through travel. I wouldn't regret it if I never married or bought a house, but if I didn't travel extensively in my life, I surely would regret it.

{Books} I've said it time and again, but I'd be shocked if it ever changed. Every good book holds between its covers a world to be shared from the author to you. It's a shared creation between your mind and the author's.

{Amazing People} Every person is a new landscape to explore, a story to unfold. From family to friends to strangers who become new acquaintances, I'm always looking for what makes a person extraordinary. I believe in living extraordinarily you will attract extraordinary people, but that you must also be looking for the best in each person you meet. I'm fortunate to have a long list of wonderful people in my life that are absolutely inspiring.

{Macbook} I'm a freelancer working in CMS, social media, and writing. All of my work is done on my macbook. It's my library, office, filing cabinet, playground, and then some. I'd be in a pickle if anything happened to it. Note that I didn't say my computer. PC's and I don't get along. I have the absolute worst luck with them, so when I finally got a macbook a couple years ago, I was ecstatic. I'll never go back.

{Quiet time} Whether it be found in the practice of yoga, doing laundry, or while gazing out the window eating breakfast in the morning, I cherish every quiet moment I'm blessed with.

{Challenges} I adore a good
challenge. In fact, I'm absurdly bored without one. I need a challenge like I need air. I don't like to be too comfortable or to rest on my laurels. To keep growing, we have to do our best to live
fearlessly and keep going beyond our comfort zone. I remind myself of that every day.

{Senses} I'm a sensualist, so I'd hate to live without any of my senses. I like to surround myself {and the people around me} with something lovely to look at and listen to, delicious scents, and scrumptious edibles.
images: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10