I have read Bradford Crowder’s blog, The Bedlam of Beefy for a good while now. I was first lured to it through Uncle Beefy’s amazing sense of humor and his fabulous eye for photography. He writes about all types of things, including FOOD, which happen to be some of my favorite posts. Honestly, his posts are total eye-candy. The images are stunning. The posts are heart-felt, honest, endearing, and damn funny. Seriously, if you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out Beefy’s blog. But first, check out his wonderful “10 Things” list here!
1) Vintage Style ~ Kids, now I do like me a good dose of modern here and there and most would likely call me 'eclectic', but without the inherent charm of some vintage goodness it just wouldn't have that Beefy touch.
2) Coffee ~ To speak of a life without coffee is to speak of a life most gruesome! Kids, saying I like coffee just doesn't begin to touch upon my love affair with this elixir. I just can't function without the stuff. Plus, it invariably fits into my fantasy of sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Paris indulging in a cup or two.
3) Phở ~ Despite my intense love of all food... irregardless of that which is a sweet tooth most ravenous... one food shines above all for me! That is the soothing comfort of a piping hot bowl of Phở. I don't know if I was Vietnamese in a past life, and I've yet to visit during this time 'round, but the first time this wondrous culinary concoction hit my lips it was a spiritual homecoming unlike any other.
4) Cheese ~ I used to be vegetarian some years back. Given that I was in my formative and exploratory years, veganism was a logical progression. Kids, if there are wiser words I do not know of them when I hear the phrase, "Know thyself." Me without dairy is about as unnatural as Heidi Montag's 'after' photos! I just can't survive without the stuff. Its inherent lusciousness brought me to tears in a Parisian cheese shop for heaven's sake! Fortunately, the gentleman assisting me simply said, "I know... I know." Dairy runs deep, Kids. Really. Deep.
5) Balthazar ~ Oh, Balthazar! How you treat me right. This is one of my all-time favorite restaurants and speaks to me in a way that only a close friend could. I love that I can feel the hum of New York with the lilt of a French accent all while drinking Pink Champagne and eating chocolate cake! (My last 'meal' I had there.) While I'd rather be there in the flesh, I'm always happy to do a little taste travel with the cookbook. And, should you choose to partake, I highly recommend trying the "Roasted Halibut"! It's slightly involved (though not difficult) and will have you and any others swooning over your culinary prowess! Just sayin'.
6) Gourmet Magazine ~ I know, I know! It is no more! But, fortunately, I have my library of past issues to keep me going. Perhaps one of the most heinous decisions in the publishing industry was to fold this illustrious publication. I cannot tell you the way this inspired me and a multitude of aspects of my life. The food! The photography! I'll gladly pay $120 for my yearly subscription should this beauty ever be awoken from her sad slumber. D'ya hear that Condé Nast?!
7) My Pets ~ I grew up with a variety of pets as a kid (even an adorable goat named "Damian"). These days we've got "Fergus" our dog, and two cats "Winston" (above) and his brother "Riley". Riley didn't make the cut at the photo shoot because he was too busy running around like a lunatic. Hair and makeup had no patience for his antics that day.
8) Pink & Orange ~ I don't know if it's from memories of West Coast road trips with my family and stopping off at the 1970's-styled Denny's along the way, but no color combo makes me so deliriously happy as pink & orange! Just looking at this picture makes my inner child squeal like you wouldn't believe. No, seriously. You'd have to hide your wine glasses and put a down payment on new eardrums with the shrill pitch he's emitting. Pure. Joy.
9) San Francisco ~ This place just sends me! Technically, it's my hometown. Technically. Unfortunately, my connection to this terrific town was made more through Summer vacations to visit family. (I was stuck in "Spudder" country (not Idaho). Sigh. Long story. Another time.) But each time I visit this place I feel that perfectly contented connection. If I win the lottery, Kids? Look for me here. Tartine is probably a good place to start searching.
I'm guessing Rick Astley or Madonna's "Lucky Star" must've been playing in the background? 'Cause I am servin' it up hot, fresh, and.... [insert record scratch] Wait! I thought black was supposed to be slimming?!
10) The ability to laugh at yourself. ~ Okay, getting laughed at ain't always what you're looking for when rummaging around in your hope chest trying to find your self-esteem. But, let's face it, Kids, sometimes in life we all gotta laugh at ourselves a little. Y'know? Loosen up, lighten our load, and belt out a hearty guffaw even at our own expense. Life is too short to take everything so seriously. And, despite some people's best smoke-and-mirror efforts, none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes and the sooner we can dust ourselves off with a sympathetic giggle the sooner we can get on to the good stuff. I mean, c'mon, if I couldn't learn to laugh at myself given the tragedy that was the 1980's up there, I don't think any amount of therapy would have helped overcome that neon-flashing lapse in judgment!
Thanks for having me, Paloma!