Kirsten, of the blog 6th Street Design School is a wife, mom, designer, and blogger and she does it all with style. She frequently features house tours, etsy round-ups, and great sources for finding stylish items on the cheap. Today, she’ll be sharing the “10 Things” she can’t live without.

I use my portable drafting board all the time. It is my very favorite design tool. I find drawing very therapeutic and I find a lot of fulfillment out of spending all day creating elevations and floor plans for my clients. When I was in school I would never have survived without my chartpak markers. I love them.
Sometimes I think how sad it would be if I was stranded on a deserted island with no blogs and no Interior Design. I imagine I would make the best looking hut I knew how. I'm sure I would decorate with sand, palm leaves and any thing else I could find. I find interior design in all aspects of my life and I am so glad to be able to do something that I truly love!
When I was in college I moved to Russia for a few months. I gained a real appreciation for other cultures and types of people. My husband is a pilot so we have the opportunity to travel frequently. There is something so exhilarating about getting on an airplane, starting in one place and ending up in another.
I was just recently introduced to Bobbi Brow and now I am hooked! My very favorite thing of all time is their moisturizer. It makes my skin look dewy and fresh. Their corrector is a must for the dark circles under my eyes. I don't like the feel of foundation so Bare Minerals is a lifesaver for me. I can't even tell I'm wearing it.
My house is not a mansion but it's perfect for our family. After years and years of renting, owning my own home was a dream come true. The rooms may be small and the space somewhat limited but I couldn't ask for more. Also, having a washer and dryer in my own home is a luxury I will never take for granted. I would not really consider myself an outdoorsy person but I don't think you have to be some super camping/hiking/rock-climbing person to enjoy the outdoors. I love nature. I love taking walks with my husband in our neighborhood, running up the canyon and sitting outside on a nice day to read a good book. (Be still, Sarah Jane Studios and Gaby Burger Designs) I am constantly amazed by all of the incredibly talented Etsy sellers. While I love to craft I find that I just don't have the time or patience anymore. Etsy provides me with products from amazing artisans all over the world. I love to make friends. I have lived all over the country and have been lucky to make some really good friends along the way. I see the good in everyone and I feel like there isn't a person that I couldn't connect with in some way or another. My friends are so important to me and I couldn't live without them. I am the kind of person who likes to achieve things. Not big things necessarily. Sometimes the smallest achievements are the most meaningful but I truly couldn't live without the feeling of dreaming something, setting a goal and watching your dreams come true. It is one of the best feelings in the world.