Today’s “10 Things” list comes from one of my favorite “newer” bloggers, Bailey of Peppermint Bliss. The girl is hilarious, has a no BS approach about life (which is incredibly refreshing), and she does it all with great style! It just so happens that Miss Bailey is also a native Houstonian, though she currently lives in Chicago where she works as a fabulous interior designer.
Well hello there dollbabies! I am so super flattered that Paloma would have me on her fabulous blog. She has always been one of my favorites, I think she was one of the first blogs I ever read and I felt an immediate connection, especially when I found out that she lives in my hometown of Houston! When creating this list I tried to think a little outside the box, obviously my most essentials in life are my incredible friends and my super foxy new husband who I adore and IS my favorite thing.Isn't he darling?
These are the other little random things that make my world go round! Hope you enjoy…
When people talk about being on a diet and exclaim proudly that they have given up bread, I feel grateful that they have cut to the chase and have clearly indicated to me that we will probably not be friends. People who talk about how bad bread is for you, I want to sock in the face, I take it so personally. And if you want to put salt on your butter, well then come sit by this girl.
2. Cocktails
My parents used to joke that French jail would be my dream because I would actually prefer to subsist on bread and water alone. That is false. Bread and cocktails alone would be my dream. Margaritas, champagne, a gimlet, I am an equal opportunity imbiber- and maybe a bit of a drunk- although if you put a mint julep in front of me you might end up wearing it.
3. Baths
Katie Ridder
People often find it curious that I pretty much refuse to shower. I just find a bath much more civilized. Growing up my mom had a TV in her bathroom and I remember sitting in there till I was completely pruney just chillin on out for hours. Now that I live in the cold blue yonder, baths are pretty much necessary to keep me from freezing to death.
Tori Mellott via Domino
Having just recently started my own interior decorating business, I am absolutely obsessed with textiles. I would wallpaper every room in my house if I could. I am constantly inspired by fabrics and use them as my main inspiration and starting point when designing for clients. Everytime I walk into a showroom its like a museum for me, filled with unbelievable art, except its better cause you can run your paws over it which I have found is generally frowned upon in real museums.
5. Entertaining
Eddie Ross
Pete and I both love to entertain. I have become quite domestic in my old age, and definitely would say I know my way around a kitchen. There is nothing I love more than a theme or some flare, and whether it is our weekly Worldly Wednesday dinners where we cook a different cuisine from around the world, or more traditional events like Thanksgiving which we are hosting this year, there is nothing I enjoy more than food, bevys, and fellowship with friends and family.
6. Music Videos
Video killed the radio star, and for my money, Vh1 video jumpstart is the only alarm clock you could ever need. Except for the occasional unfortunate Train moment, there is no better way I can think of to start my day. I also download hot lady music videos-think Rihanna, Britney- to my iPod to watch while I work out. There is nothing like Rihanna Rude Boy-ing in your face to get you going.
7. PupperzBernieBoy
Bella out on the town...
I know I said I would keep the obvious essentials off of this list, but my darling nuggets were sitting there staring at me with their sad eyes and I couldn't leave them out. They are the most hilarious, entertaining, fuzzy joynuggets and they light up my life more than is probably normal. I mean, look at those faces!
It started when I was in boarding school in the hinterlands, and has grown into a full on obsession. Thank goodness I have a blog-and now clients- that sort of legitimize the sickness. I honestly have very little desire to visit a store in person, I feel like I am always so sloppy juggling bags and my purse and crowds make me sweat. But a beautiful pure online marketplace is just magic. My favorites are ShopBop and net-a-porter for clothes. 1stdibs, GardenHouse, and Furbish for home. And FredFlare and GirlProps for smiles.
9. Travel/AdventuresMy best friend Laura and I at Graceland on our Roadtrip
Showing off all of the bumper stickers we collected over our trip, and our home for 6 weeks, The Beast.
I have been lucky to travel a lot in my life, and nothing fills my soul like exploring different cultures and experiencing things you have only ever seen in pictures come to life and become a part of your history. Obviously there is nothing more fabulous than far flung destinations like Germany (my most favorite place I have ever been) or Japan (next on my list), but there is something about the good ol' fashioned Road Trip that makes my heart sing. The freedom to hop in a car and just go sustains me when I get overwhelmed with life. To this day one of the most important experiences of my life was driving from Houston to Montreal and back for 6 weeks with my best friend. We visited all of those kitsch americana sites like Graceland and Niagara Falls, and saw the country in such a unique way. Everyone should do that once in their lives with someone they love.
10. Pictures(One of my favorites from our wedding...don't even get me started on a wedding album. I don't even know where to begin!)
I am a super visual person, and there is nothing I cherish more than my memories with family and friends and photos of magical times. My end-of-year resolution is to get better at making albums and actually putting pictures into frames. I am blessed and cursed to have the most wonderful friends in the world all spread out around the world, and I love being able to surround myself with all of the beautiful faces I love everyday, even if I can't squeeze em in person. Another goal of mine is to actually learn photography next year...dream big!
Thank you so much for having me, Paloma! And I cannot WAIT to see the first issue of High Gloss!