{This bedroom by Tom Stringer includes a great mix of masculine and feminine items.}
Generally speaking, I would assume that the majority of us would describe our design aesthetic as a marriage of styles: high end items mixed with bargains, antique mixed with modern, and of course, masculine mixed with feminine. I know that when I decorate, I try to keep things balanced. Shiny, glamorous items can certainly use a hint of crisp, tailored shapes and fabrics to achieve an ideal mix. However, let’s pretend that for today only, you have to define your personal decorating style as either masculine or feminine. It’s just black or white, no grey areas, no blending of styles. What side do you veer towards the most when it comes to your style: masculine or feminine? If you had to choose one of the bedrooms below, which would it be?
{Master Bedroom from the 2008 San Francisco Decorators Showcase}
{An Ultra-Feminine Bedroom from Renovation Style}