Today, my lovely and talented friend, Cassie of coco + kelley is sharing the “10 Things” she can’t live without. Chances are, if you read design blogs, you know and love coco + kelley which has garnered both international praise in the design world as well as a loyal following of devoted readers who flock to Cassie’s blog for her fabulous posts on fashion, interiors, and entertaining.
1. The Beach
Growing up in Santa Monica, our family was constantly out by the beach riding bikes, playing in the sand... I can't imagine ever living without it! Give me a good sandy beach on a hot day and I'm in heaven.
2. Girl Time
Yes, the boys are fun, but nobody understands you like your girls. I have a small circle of very close friends who I love and adore, and a large circle of amazing women that I've met through blogging who offer endless fun and support. I feel blessed to have these lovely ladies in my life!
3. Coffee (Especially on a Rainy Day)
Blame it on living in Seattle for too long, or my habitual personality, but I honestly don't think I could live without my morning cup of coffee! Especially on our dark rainy Seattle days...
4. Travel
Whenever people ask where I find inspiration, I tell them, travel. I know it's the same for many of us - whether halfway around the world or in our own backyards, getting out of our comfort zone, seeing new places, people, and cultures - it's invigorating!
5. Sunday Dinners + Family
Ever since I can remember my family has had Sunday dinners together. As our lives became more hectic, those dinners became even more important because they made us take the time to get together. In fact, they're probably the reason that gathering friends together with food is such an important part of my life now!
6. Home
Taking time away from everyone and everything else is essential to me, and my home is my absolute escape. It's a space that's all my own where I can do what I want, be who I want, and decorate how I want!
7. Champagne
Let's be honest. There's no need to reserve the bubbly for special times. Nothing makes me happier than a glass of champagne!
8. Music
I grew up in a home where there was always music playing, and I can't imagine not having a soundtrack to every second of my life! Music is definitely food for my soul.
9. Fresh Flowers
There's a reason boys are supposed to give them to girls when they're mad. Who doesn't smile at fresh flowers?? They may feel like an indulgence, but they make such a huge difference in a room!
10. Vintage Treasures
The thrill of the hunt is what makes me happiest when it comes to vintage finds. I adore pieces that feel like they have history to them - whether I find them at the thrift store or the antique markets! They're all little treasures that add so much to my home and wardrobe. I adore them!