Yesterday, Nicole from Sketch 42 created a clever post in which she defined her design aesthetic through a small series of images. She invited some bloggers to do the same and I’ve decided to join in on the fun. I have never been able to define my style in one or two words. Sometimes, I think it might be a little eclectic because I like to mix modern with vintage, masculine with feminine, but the furnishings, colors, and details that I love veer more towards classic and tailored than truly eclectic and irreverent. Help me out, guys! What would you call my style?
I love classic pieces and shapes but shy away from the overtly traditional.
{JK Capri Hotel Designed by Michele Bonan}
I find the most beautiful spaces are layered with colors, patterns, and items from more than one period of design or style:
{Amanda Nisbet}
I love spaces that are glamorous and feminine…
{Renovation Style}
…yet I absolutely love perfectly tailored, edited rooms with a masculine twist.
{Ron Marvin}
{Tommy Smythe}