Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dream Home: Franki Durbin

Today, the fabulous Franki Durbin of Life in a Venti Cup is sharing her “venti-sized” dream home with us. Her home is Mediterranean-inspired, traditional and elegant. Enjoy!


Showcasing my dream home is easy and impossible. On one hand I could simply show you Kim Kardashian's home and say "tada!" her monochromatic color palette, gorgeous mediterranean architecture and location are enough to make me ask her if she'd like a roomie... or three. But just because you love the home doesn't mean you love the furnishings or the finishes. So let's begin the journey of my ideal home, shall we?


{sourced from Southern California MLS listing}
Let's start with the musts: coastal Southern California. I need lush landscaping, palm trees and an ocean breeze. I prefer the view from the cliffs rather than being on the sandy beach. What I really want is a great relationship - a seamless relationship - between indoors and out. I need a grand outdoor living room as plush as my indoor gathering spaces.  Nick-Jessicas-old-house-ext While we're on the subject of celebs, the above shot is of Nick & Jessica's "Newlyweds" home. Gorgeous. Looks perfect for entertaining and for privacy. That balcony up top? Yeah. That's the business, baby!

Avila Valley Estate Mediterranean landscape
Avila Valley Estate mediterranean landscape
AMS Landscape Design Studios mediterranean pool

Next up is a plush patio. I want seclusion and an escape from the world... But also a glamorous place for guests. I love the feeling of these incredible outdoor spaces.

arabic house mediterranean bedroom

The other necessary feature is a poolside cabana. Again Kim K has some lovely features in her home, including a full outdoor kitchen. But in my cabana I'd like some spa-like features. This raised platform bed hidden by breezy, sheer panel drapes promises stolen naps and plenty of cuddle time with the ones you love. This is a must.

Buckhead traditional living room
Buckhead traditional living room

Moving inside... I love the architecture of this space. This isn't how I'd doll it up, but I can certainly work with the bones of this incredible space. Coffered ceilings. Arched doorways. This is architecture that looks good no matter how it is dressed. This space is practically begging for pieces by Barbara Barry and Suzanne Kasler. And who am I to say no?


This pretty space? I'm going to need one of these. At the foot of my bed, a plush place for reading or simply appreciating the achievement of my dreams. I absolutely love this dreamy, creamy ivory space. For the closet? Kyle Richards's perfect closet. Hands down. End of story. Next. Although this one is nice too. 149-million-grand-mediterranean-ocean-view-estate-in-santa-barbara-california-11 {sourced from Southern California MLS listing}
Ahh, the bath. Doesn't every girl dream of leisurely spending her days in a bubble bath overlooking an incredible view? I do. French doors opening to a terrace, the ocean in view, the breeze blowing palm palms and creating that tranquil rustling sound, the sound of water lapping in your glistening outdoor pool. Orchids nearby. Yes, please.

Ahhh, the kitchen. I love to cook. I fancy myself an amateur Giada, and dishing up savory dishes for my family and friends in this Kraftmaid space would make me beam.

Stamford Bedroom Detail traditional bedroom
living room mediterranean living room

Speaking of guests... I love the idea of having a guest bedroom so dreamy that it's nearly impossible to get rid of your visiting friends and family. Ideally, there's even a private guesthouse out by the pool, complete with kitchen and sitting area so they can truly make themselves at home during their stay.

This may not have covered every space of the home... but it surely shared what mood my home evokes. For me, home is plush, textured and luxurious. I love creamy white furnishings and lots of natural light. More importantly, home is happy, filled with laughter and a place I'm always proud to call my own. Thank you for taking this "tour" of my future dream home!

{images without credits are either from MLS listings or my favorite way to waste time: hookedonhouses.com}