Thursday, May 12, 2011

Shop Talk: Katie Maennle


I recently received an email about Katie Maennle, a super talented and stylish shop owner in Austin, Texas letting me know that her fabulous shop is now live online. I instantly knew that I loved Katie’s bold approach to fashion and home design. She loves bright colors and exciting patterns, so just about everything in her shop is right up my alley. On top of that, I really love the philosophy behind Katie’s business. Take a look at their mantra:

“Katie Maennle is a lifestyle brand defined by the belief that a woman and her life should always be three things: playful, feminine and bold. We believe that style and substance are not opposing philosophies—that a fabulous dress empowers you, an embellished note card touches you, and an inspired home recharges you. We believe it’s these everyday moments of delight that make for a well-lived life.” - I couldn’t agree more!

A Few of My Favorite Items from Katie Maennle:

Hamilton Side Chair

{Hamilton Side Chair}

Lilly Sofa

{Lilly Sofa- available in several colors}

Palm Beach Bamboo Stool

{Palm Beach Bamboo Stool}

Coffee Table Tray

{Katie offers a great selection of lucite trays in various sizes and patterns.}

Winston Wingback

{Katie Maennle also carries a great assortment of personalized stationery.}

I really hope to take a trip to Austin soon to see all of Katie’s fabulous goods for myself! The store also carries clothing, including the beautiful kaftan Katie has on in her photo in this post.